Sunday, June 27, 2010

Canada First Party... what a concept??

Prior to confederation there was an actual Canada First Party... the party didn't get far and hasn't been heard of since... wouldn't this solve a lot of problems for Canada right now?... wouldn't this solve a lot of problems for NL right now too?

Here is an idea which came to me today regarding a Political Party which could be started in NL to combat the so-called National Parties which run in federal elections. They are not Canada first parties, they are "Party First" parties, and exasserbate the problems which exist in our country and serve to destroy the morale of our people.

Placing Canada first means doing what is right 100% of the time for Canada. We know this means, taking custodial management of the Nose and Tail of our Grand Banks and creating a solid model for resource usage for the future. It means having a rightful share of resource revenue from our Hydro and Oil, not to the exclusion of PQ and Canada but with both getting a fair share. It means that goods and services can pass between provinces without tarrifs and boundaries. It means that all Canadian citizens are equal and unique and to be afforded respect as such.

Canada cannot prosper as long as it takes any action which is detrimental to any province or territory or person for short term solutions... there is always a much higher price to pay later, not to mention destroying the morale of the country.

Canada has enormous possibilities as a nation and I think its problems are far easier to solve than most other countries. However, there are some fundamental laws which govern our planet and our people which must be adhered to 100% of the time lest we slide to greater disaster. There are values which make a person, a province, a country, and a planet great and these must be constitutionally stated and adhered to at all costs.

Is this impossible? All things which can be conceived in the mind of man are possible but are they probable? Getting a ship into Battle Harbour in January is highly improbable too but someone dared to try and did it. This is like that... "if it is sincerely tried and then cannot be achieved then we'll know that it could not be done!" But someone gotta try, right?

If you are reading this you, like me, love this Old Rock and our people who went through here before us. We have leadership on our provincial stage but none on our federal stage and cannot have any until Canada becomes something worth joining. Our best and our brightest have gone to Ottawa and became conformed to it rather than helping Canada conform to what is true and decent.

The Canadian political and economic and social system does not work as it is right now... it does not work for any province or territory even the ones with 75 to 95 seats as it is propagating untruths about how to proceed forward and have a great nation. This is not to say there is no good in Canada because we are truly blessed with so much potential... but it "is" to say that things can be modified so that they adhere to basic principles better... no need to throw out the baby with the bath water!

The land, sea, and air, and the resources which are part of Canada existed well before the people who now inhabit the territory and make use of the resources. The challenge is to create a country where man lives in harmony with all the land, sea, and air of Canada while efficiently availing of the resources it has and meeting the needs of its citizens. This conflict must be resolved, not only in Canada, but throughout the world or our fate ultimately is sealed.

However, maybe NL can be where this dedication to the truth starts and Canada can be the beacon of hope and example which inspires other nations to the same... maybe, what if ???

But in order for this to happen, just like other great missions, like Ghandi undertook, or Mother Teresa gave her heart to, someone has to decide to give their very fiber to this project, at least until it is solidly determined that it cannot work. Who can take this on? Who cares enough? Who is brave enough to let the very meaning of their life hinge on the success of such a scheme, even a hair-brained one at that?

If Canada cannot buy into such a concept then its fate is sealed, and we the people of NL know that our future will diminish also while it is entrusted to a failing and sinking ship. We will then have a decision to make: to continue on whimpering and whining from time to time about the injustices we must endure at the hands of Canada or to take control of our own destiny and take a shot at it alone.

I fundamentally believe that most of Canada would buy into a Canada First concept if they search their heart for the truth. Who can argue against anything which truly places Canada first? We know the real truth does not change and we know that most people have a sense of fairness and compassion in their hearts when they are allowed to explore it.

What if the Canadian dream became a reality?... right now it does not even have a definition. I purport that whoever defines this dream and inspires people to a great country and a great life will win the support of the people. Apathy on voting day will not be as it is now because people know they are literally voting for something better for themselves and their future generations. The truth always wins eventually. Love is the most powerful force on the planet. Operating from Love is very powerful... who can stand against it?

But, there's that feeling again... that one which says... you are nuts to think this is possible!!!

Maybe all I've written is just the rantings of a fool... I need to get real... I need to write off man's capacity for truth and love as a lost paradigm... maybe it is just as well to settle for making the best of my own life amid the craziness that occurs all around me...

I wonder what you think of this? I wonder what our Premier and his team would think of this? Would an endorsement from them get this off the ground and win seats to go to Ottawa or have they already made a deal with Iggy or Stevey?

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