Friday, June 24, 2011

HARPER "the Prime Minister for ALL of Canada!"

Figure it out... once and for all folks... within Canada we have NO POWER to influence decisions. Dunderdale trying to be nice to Harper and build a relationship with him so she can have an influence over the federal decisions which affect our province, is like being kind and loving with the devil in the hopes he will convert to Catholicism.

While Danny Williams may be a bit of a hot head, he is not without some people skills in trying to get his way. Danny did try being fair with Harper in the hopes of future influence only to be screwed in the end!

Dunderdale, thinking that she can do better than her previous boss, was even kinder and more supportive of Harper, and this would result in fairer treatment from Harper.

When Harper was confirmed of his majority government in the recent election, his statement was "that he now needed to be a Prime Minister for all of Canada." To me it seems that he is either lying about his intent to do right by all of Canada's citizens or he does not see NL as a real part of Canada. I think we know Harper is a liar. He is a very disingenuous politician who could not care less about our province and our people.

With regard to this matter of closing of our Search and Rescue sub center, I reflect back to just a short while ago and the memorial service held immediately after the Cougar crash. Harper and Mackay, coming out of the Basilica with a solemn and mournful gait, was nothing more than window dressing. He could not care less about our people and the ability to keep them safe. The real proof is in how heartlessly he would shut down this vital piece of our search and rescue infrastructure.

In truth, our Search and Rescue capabilities need to be enhanced and added to, as per the investigations which were completed after the Ocean Ranger and Cougar disasters. In stead of this Harper has ruthlessly decided the best action is taking a major component of our functionality away. "When", not "if", this fateful decision causes the loss of more lives off our shores, will Harper and Mackay have the guts to come to the next memorial service? The answer: ABSOLUTELY YES they will show up, because, ultimately the initial ability to make this decision shows no conscience, and this same character trait, means that they certainly would have the "face" to show up here again and mimic the same crocodile tears that they did after the Cougar crash.

Very sad... how many more of our people need to be sacrificed before the recommended search and rescue infrastructure is put in place???

How much more of this blatant disrespect can we, as a people, tolerate?

Do we really need to learn this lesson again regarding the true character of Steve Harper?

Did our current premier actually believe that she could treat Harper differently and get better results?

Well, guess what? The people of NL did not buy in to it and they showed this in the way they voted in the last federal election. The people had Stephen Harper pegged and now Dunderdale and her colleagues are not looking very politically astute in unabashedly campaigning for Harper's candidates.

I guess, in fairness to Dunderdale and her government, this could be looked at as 'nothing ventured, nothing gained'. It was somewhat obvious from the polling in the last election that Harper was going to be the Primer Minister after the election, whether by minority, if not majority government. "You get more flies with honey" I suppose... but my real question is this: did Cathy Dunderdale and her government 'really' expect Harper to be a friend to NL as a result of their generous show of support to him?

Canada has the potential to be the greatest country on earth... however, this potential will never be realized as long as one part of the country is treated differently than another based on the number of electoral seats that it holds.

Our government is seeking a 'loan guarantee' for Muskrat Falls... they think we are all but assured of this favor, a favor which costs the federal government nothing, "ZERO DOLLARS". And yet, we still don't have this matter resolved. It was not mentioned in the budget which has since passed, and it seems to be a matter which requires more than just a signature of endorsement. Maybe there is no 'dragging of the heels' here, but it seems that matters which seem to be an enormous undertaking, ie 'senate reform' is already making its way through the channels necessary to potentially make it happen. I guess that is a priority and the loan guarantee and NL is not. Imagine that?

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